In the era of Ryukyu kingdom, Okinawa engaged in transit trade in a wide range of areas, including Japan, China, and Southeast Asia, and had absorbed diverse values as a center for maritime cultural exchange. As the history has shown and also beyond all the boundaries, Okinawa has been an open-minded society where accepts everyone who visits. “The sprit of Bankokushinryo”, meaning the sprit of bridging thousands’ nations, has passed down through the generations.
Okinawa has its own history, culture and natural settings even though it is part of Japan. Such an unique environment offers special experience which invigorates communications and meetings as well as stimulates inspirations and creativity among participants.
Okinawa, the southernmost point of Japan, is a MICE city that can access a market of about 2 billion people, including Japan and Asia, within four hours by direct flight. In recent years, research on advanced issues in the subtropical and marine islands, such as advanced medicine, health and biotechnology, and renewable energy, has been accumulated, and the environment for accelerating the business and research of MICE participants has been established.