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  • Observing the business model that utilizes “Intellectual Property” in the birthplace of Ryukyu Bingata Dyeing


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Observing the business model that utilizes “Intellectual Property” in the birthplace of Ryukyu Bingata Dyeing

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  • Observing the business model that utilizes “Intellectual Property”  in the birthplace of Ryukyu Bingata Dyeing

The Consortium for Promotion and Dissemination of Ryukyu Bingata supports product development using digital designs of Ryukyu Bingata dyeing and stencils owned by thirty collaborating member companies and Ryukyu Bingata workshops. By circulating royalties for digital designs to each workshop, the Consortium aims to build a new sustainable business model that utilizes the intellectual property of the region where a traditional craft has originated.

〒900-0033 1-4-17, Kume
Panphlet and documents


Observing the business model that utilizes “Intellectual Property” in the birthplace of Ryukyu Bingata Dyeing